AWS Service ECS, Fargate, ECR

Satyanarayana Gaddamanugu
2 min readJun 23, 2021


To understand this we need to know the following things:

Docker is a software development platform to deploy apps. These are packaged in containers as images that can be run on any OS. Those images are stored in Docker Repositories of two types:

  1. Docker HUB as public and
  2. AWS ECR as private

To manage containers, we need a container management platform of three options.

  • ECS: Amazon’s own platform. It has the following things.

1.ECS Clusters are the logical grouping of EC2 instances and instances run the ECS agent.

2.Tasks definitions are metadata in JSON form to tell ECS how to run Docker Container. They can be linked to ELB / NLB / ALB if needed.

  • ECR is a private Docker image repository and it is tightly integrated with IAM.
  • Fargate: Amazon’s own Serverless platform. These containers are provisioned by the container spec (CPU / RAM).
  • EKS: Amazon’s managed Kubernetes service. It runs the Kubernetes at AWS.

The images are deployed in two ways are ECS and Fargate.

